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Break Cycle of Self-Sabotage Stress and Struggle spell ~ Clear away Limiting Beliefs, Negative Self-Talk, and Subconscious Programming that Fuel Self Ruin

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 Product Description

Break Cycle of Self-Sabotage Stress and Struggle spell ~ Clear away Limiting Beliefs, Negative Self-Talk, and Subconscious Programming that Fuel Self Ruin

The Psychology of Self-Sabotage:

1. Imposter Syndrome - Highly capable individuals who are plagued by an intense, nagging fear of being "found out" as a fraud, despite ample evidence of their competence. Research shows this is especially common among high-achieving women and marginalized populations, who internalize societal messages that they don't belong in positions of power and success. The self-undermining behaviors this triggers - like downplaying achievements, turning down opportunities, and overworking to try and "prove" themselves - are a psychological defense mechanism.

2. Learned Helplessness - Past failures, rejections or traumas have conditioned the subconscious belief that success is out of reach no matter how hard they try. This "learned helplessness" was famously studied by psychologist Martin Seligman, who discovered that when lab animals were exposed to unavoidable negative stimuli, they would eventually stop trying to avoid it, even when they had the chance. Humans develop this same defeatist mindset, giving up easily, not even attempting challenging tasks, or accusing others of holding them back.

3. Toxic Perfectionism - Setting impossibly high standards that guarantee eventual disappointment. People with this tendency will often procrastinate, overthink decisions, or find fault with their own work as a way to avoid the pain of imperfection. Interestingly, research has linked perfectionism to increased risk of depression, anxiety and even suicide, as the constant self-criticism erodes self-worth.

4. Relationship Anxiety - Unconscious fears of intimacy, vulnerability and abandonment lead some to sabotage their close connections. This could look like picking fights, withholding emotions, or acting out in ways that push loved ones away. Experts believe this may stem from attachment issues formed in childhood, where the person learned that opening up results in pain.

5. Scarcity Mindset - A core belief that there is not enough success, abundance or opportunity to go around. This can spark competitive, self-defeating behaviors like hoarding information, refusing to collaborate, or putting others down to elevate themselves. Neuroscientists have found that the scarcity mindset actually activates the same threat response in the brain as physical deprivation, creating a toxic "not enough" mentality.

This deeply transformative ritual will clear away the limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and subconscious programming that fuel self-sabotage, allowing you to step into your full potential.

It will help you:

- Boost feelings of self-worth, competence and deserving success, by rewiring the neural pathways associated with imposter syndrome.
- Shift your brain's response to challenges, so you see them as opportunities rather than obstacles to overcome.
- Release the iron grip of perfectionism and teach you to embrace "good enough," thereby reducing anxiety, depression and self-criticism.
- Open your heart to healthier, more trusting relationships by healing attachment wounds and fears of vulnerability.
- Cultivate an abundant, generous mindset that looks for ways to collaborate and elevate others, rather than compete.

 In your career - Stop talking yourself out of applying for that dream job or promoting your skills. Overcome the impulse to hide your accomplishments, even if you feel like a fraud. This ritual will help you own your worth and potential.

 In your relationships - End the cycle of picking fights, closing off emotionally or creating drama that pushes your partner away. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, knowing that your worthiness is not contingent on how others treat you.

With your health - Stop self-sabotaging your fitness, sleep or nutrition goals through procrastination, negative self-talk or lack of self-care. Develop self-compassion and stop the inner critic that undermines your best efforts.

Pursuing your passions - Overcome the fear of failure that keeps you from sharing your creative gifts with the world. Silence your inner critic and give yourself permission to be a beginner, letting go of perfectionism.

Achieving financial goals - Release scarcity mindset beliefs that lead to overspending, underearning or risk-averse behaviors that hamper your wealth-building. Cultivate an abundance mentality and trust that there is more than enough to go around.

Why Do We Self-Sabotage?

At our core, human beings crave safety, belonging and control. When the prospect of success triggers feelings of vulnerability, many of us unconsciously find ways to undermine our own progress. This self-sabotaging behavior is rooted in some deep-seated psychological factors:

1. Fear of the Unknown - Success means stepping into uncharted territory, which can feel exciting but also terrifying. The ego craves the familiar, so it will often find ways to keep us trapped in our comfort zone.

2. Attachment to Struggle - Some people have become so accustomed to hardship and "fighting" for what they want, that the idea of easy success feels unnatural or even wrong to them on a subconscious level.

3. Subconscious Feelings of Unworthiness - If you have an underlying belief that you don't truly deserve good things, your psyche will work to fulfill that prophecy through self-defeating actions.

4. Avoidance of Responsibility - With greater success often comes greater accountability. The prospect of this can feel overwhelming, leading some to unconsciously find excuses to avoid stepping up.

5. Limiting Family/Cultural Programming - If you grew up in an environment where ambition was discouraged or seen as selfish, your subconscious may still be wired to pull you back to that "safe" level of mediocrity.

It's time to take courageous action and stop self-sabotaging for good. The universe is ready to support you in stepping into your highest potential!


Here's what you need to provide:

A. Title of the spell you purchased:

B. Names and birth dates (if known) of those involved:

C. Brief details of the situation you want to address:

D. Custom special requests to focus the spell's energy:

E. Photo of whom the casting is for if available:

Rest assured, nothing physical will be shipped to you. Instead, you will receive a personalized photo of your ritual sent directly to your email. To keep the service affordable and efficient, no detailed description of the spell work will be included.

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